meat pies and groceries…

Wow. It feels like forever since I last posted. But when I looked at the date of my last entry, I realized it has only been two days. That’s like nothing. I guess when you consider I’ve only been in New Zealand for five though it is a substantial amount of time. Now, where to begin.

The last time I wrote I was settling into my new place. I am happy to say that I love my flat mate. We get along really well. Her name is Annie and she goes to UC Santa Cruz. Fun fact, she loves Disney movies, likes to sing to random music when we put iTunes on shuffle, and wants to go horseback riding while she’s here. I’m sold! We actually found a sweet deal for a three hour horseback ride through the southern New Zealand Alps and I am super excited to go! My room feels much more like home, but I still need to find some time to hang up some pictures from home. I have a purple sarong and some ribbons from a horseshow on my wall so far but even that little bit helps. Pictures are to come I promise. Both my blog and Facebook are very deprived of much proof that I am actually here.
There have been more study abroad students showing up every day and I’ve enjoyed getting to meet new people. I have clicked really well with a huge group of people from California and that has been super fun. We have done a lot together so far and that’s been great. I also found out that my two other flat-mates are Kiwis. That should be fun!

Our group took a walk into town yesterday and we ate at Hillyers Pies. And no, these are not the kind of pies that you are thinking of. In New Zealand, the locals like to eat “meat pies”, which are kind of like chicken pot pies back home, but with more meat and practically no vegetables. My pie was literally Thanksgiving in a pastry. It had roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy. Honestly that was probably one of the best things I have had in a while. Hillyers had all kinds of flavors with different meats and cheeses. I am definitely going back there.

I also realized yesterday how incredibly expensive groceries are in New Zealand. Yes, I know we are on an island, but it’s an agriculture island. Why in the world is a cucumber $7? The only produce that is cheap are kiwis, cabbage, and carrots. Looks like I’ll be eating a lot of those. Thankfully the exchange rate works in my favor. $0.80 USD is equal to $1.00 NZD so I come out a bit ahead on everything I buy. But still, groceries are going to be super expensive. Good thing for financial aid refunds. It actually blows my mind that I am saving money in the long run by being here. Crazy huh?

Finally, last night a group of about twenty of us decided that we would go down to the local pub. Actually, let me rephrase that…the only pub in New Zealand. The Famous Grouse. It is very quaint and actually serves as a hotel as well. There were of course three different rugby matches going on at the same time so you are never missing out on any of the rugby happenings. It was nice just go and hang out. The local Kiwis here are incredibly friendly and helpful. It has been nice to embrace a different culture and immerse myself in it. The only thing is, I keep forgetting I have to take classes while I am here. But we’ll get to that on Monday.

Tomorrow I have international registration, a huge 4th of July celebration with a group of American study abroad students, and rugby match. Oh. And I get to see Aaron and Michelle Waldron on Saturday. Definitely can’t wait for that! Happy 4th of July from New Zealand and more adventures to follow!

One thought on “meat pies and groceries…

  1. I was really worried you had gotten on the wrong plane at LAX —- but now that you have told me you went to a pub, ate a meat pie and watched three rugby games on the telly at the same time I am sure you are in Kiwi land.

    Gma and I are so happy you are having a great time. We miss you and love you.


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